"Cultivating life in our soil, environment and world"

Biodiveristy and the Regenerative Process

As caretakers of the land and stewards of God’s creation, we are dedicated to cultivating life in
our soils and ecosystems. All our actions are evaluated and executed in the context of this
For several years now we have implemented the following regenerative farming practices with
tremendous success:
1. Keeping the soil covered year round with cover crops and mulches
2. Limiting disturbance to the soil through successfully implementing no-till farming
3. Increasing biodiversity through multi-species cover crops and crop rotations
4. Keeping roots living below the soil year round with winter cover crops and no-till
5. Integrating livestock through rotationally grazing our cover crops and corn stalks with
over 100 sheep and cows
These regenerative farming practices have impacted our farm in a big way by minimizing soil
erosion, fostering an abundance of soil life, and greatly reducing the use of inputs like fertilizer
and fuel.
Our soils and crops are becoming increasingly productive, producing abundant yields of
nutrient-dense food and demonstrating a natural resistance to diseases and insects. With strategic pest monitoring tactics and the preventative applications of organic and biological sprays, we are succeeding in limiting the use of synthetic inputs. As for GMO’s, they have never been used on our farm in any way and they never will be. We take great pride in the way we farm and produce food for our community. We encourage you to stop by our stand this summer to enjoy superior produce rich in nutrients, grown
carefully and responsibly, and absolutely delicious!